Hi, I’m Zak Pino and I’m the founder of WITH-ME.

I’m an introvert at heart and I never expected to be in this position.

As someone who struggles to talk about themselves (and I will continue to do so), I started WITH-ME with the aim of changing the not-for-profit narrative.

In January 2021, I started WALK-W-ME (WWM), a mental health initiative designed for people to walk and talk. After 3 years, WALK-W-ME grew organically. During that time I started my own business ‘Frankly Speaking’ where I work with businesses and individuals to improve their relationships, culture and systems.

Fast forward to 2024 and WITH-ME was formed.

My intention was to never be in this position to start a not-for-profit, but from the overwhelming support and encouragement I felt it was right.

In a world where there is abundance, there is neglect in the quality of connection and its importance. I believe we all have a role in each other’s lives, it’s just what role we play which ends up being part of our journey.

WITH-ME has been designed to be a part of your journey. To create life long connections and relationships that remind you that you are special, needed and important. WITH-ME is the start of bringing everyone together again through the activities that we enjoy most.

Your participation could be so influential on another person’s life, you just need to show up. It’s why I always believe that for anything good to happen it has to start WITH-YOU.

Read below to know more about our communities.

All the best,
